To all of my client’s and friends, today is the first day of spring.  It is my wish that you get out in the beautiful sunshine (if indeed this finds you in such a place!), take deep breath and mark this date in your mind as you move into the return of the days of light.

From the Celtic Devotional by Caitlin Matthews

The spring quarter of Imbolc brings the gift of insight and inspiration and
is a time of beginnings and of essential truthfulness.

Began in the dark and often icy days of early spring,
it is traditionally the time to appreciate innocence, truth and justice,
to make preparations and plans and to prepare for the enfolding year. 
In the human growth cycle, Imbolc corresponds to the period of childhood
when all things are questioned or enjoyed for their own sake.
Imbolc is a good time to celebrate the lives of all “soul-midwives”
who have taught and prepared us, all who have been upholders of
justice and truth, all holy ones who have gone to the heart
of the matter with great clarity and insight.